Punching with your eyes shut

Australia’s likely dual citizen prime minister is leading Australia down a path of destruction and ruin, says Sydney bureau chief Ross Jones — who desperately hopes the Liberals have a plan B.
IT IS TIME, ladies and gentlemen, to resist. We have a traitorous government hell-bent on destroying us. This is not a drill.
Australia’s car making industry is closing down. Worse, we can no longer refine fuel. We need to import it.
Australia has only a few weeks supply of diesel. Our sea lanes’ security is so important we are going to buy Japanese submarines, which might be okay if they are WRX STIs, but not so if they are 120Ys.
Should the sea lanes be cut, we are stuffed. No diesel, no trucks, no food. Anarchy, breakdown.
If the images of a Soviet battlefleet hanging off the coast did not send shivers up your spine then you have not been paying attention.
Vladimir Putin is without doubt the most powerful man in the world, Obama and Warren Buffett pale into a Banksy background. The guy runs a fascist state armed to the teeth and ready to go.
We’ve helped the English out in a few wars before but, to paraphrase Noel Pearson and Monty Python, what have the English ever done for us?
So when Englishmen Abbott and Cameron decide to re-live the glory days of Balaclava, you can bet your bottom dollar there’s nothing in it for Australians.
China, in all its long history, has ‒ arguably
‒ never invaded another state. At least by force. It has a weird idea
of cultural hegemony and shoots dissidents and resisters, but it’s never
sallied forth with an imperial fleet and invaded, let’s say, Japan.
We are already subsumed in China, part of its sphere. Touch any
object within reach, odds are it was made in China. Look at your socks.
So, our foreign policy under Harpers Bazaar chick of the year,
Julie Bishop, is to prod Putin with sticks and cold-shoulder China in
favour of Japan, a country simmering with militarism under Abe.
As the Italians say, Via Figure.
In his days fighting for Oxford, Abbott knew how to hit but had no
idea how to finesse. There are shots of him throwing punches with his
eyes shut.
Andy McClintock wrote about Abbott’s boxing style in The Guardian last year:
But as an Oxford boxing Blue, Abbott was an entirely different kind of fighter. "He was crude, with very little technique," said Nicholas Stafford-Deitsch, Abbott's sparring partner.
Stafford-Deitsch claimed that Abbott wasn't a huge puncher, but
his knockout ratio suggests otherwise. A bigger area of concern is his
footwork. In the above photo you can see that Abbott has switched out of
the southpaw stance and is leading with his left foot while throwing a
right hand, which goes against a boxer's most basic training. Don't even
get me started on the position of his left hand, which should be up at
his jaw "holding the phone".
This is not the description of a man you’d follow into a fight. This
is the description of a man who would make entertaining ringside
viewing, but not, by any stretch, a contender.
There is photographic proof the guy punches with his eyes shut, which his former Oxford sparring partner Nicholas Stafford-Deitsch said,
“… meant he was scared.”
And right now, on our behalf, he is squaring up to Vlad, who has a much nicer dressing gown and probably better trainers.
Over what? The allegation a Soviet BUK bought down MH17.
He saw it as his Howard/Bali/unify the country moment, but he blew it.
Unlike Bali, there has never been any hard evidence — fog of war.
Supposed photographs from a low orbit satellite, which might themselves be photo-shopped, purport to show a Ukrainian MIG firing on and bringing down the jetliner. (daily mail)
The images of the Cameron Abbott love-fest at G20 are enough to make Cecil Rhodes orgasm in his grave. Mad dogs and Englishmen.
In none of the media reports of the Russian nuclear fleet pacing
menacingly off the coast was there any mention of a U.S. or British
seaborne force.
So let’s hope the LNP have Plan B.
Punching with your eyes shut is no way to fight.
Ross Jones will be speaking at the IA function at the Summer Hill Hotel on Friday. If you'd like to attend please get in quickly as there are only a few places left.

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