The Aristocrats: why knighting Prince Philip is a joke at Australia's expense
If Tony Abbott absolutely had to knight a royal, why didn’t he choose
one who was popular with the electorate, like Prince William?
• Australia Day – live coverage of all the day’s events
‘He is such a bizarre choice because he’s actually the deadweight
holding back what appears to be a monarchist revival.’ Photograph: Tim
Rooke/Rex Features
The Aristocrats: why knighting Prince Philip is a joke at Australia's expense | Adam Brereton
he trade joke of stand-up comedians is a classic called the
Aristocrats. It’s a well-known format: a family turns up to the office
of a talent agent to perform their act, which is typically the most
depraved scene of incest – in Bob Saget’s version, the family sings
Sister Sledge in a pile of their own excrement. The comic doesn’t spare
the details, dragging it out for as long as their audience can bear and
then, when the talent agent asks what the act is called, the family
delivers the punchline:
“The Aristocrats.”
Chevy Chase used to try to break half an hour in his telling of the joke. Tony Abbott
almost lasted a whole year. He started telling his own variation on the
classic in March 2014, and today he delivered his own zinger:
Ta-da! Meet Prince Philip, the Aristocrat!
Philip represents everything Australians hate about old-world
aristocracy: his racist bon mots, his pickled appearance, his unearned
wealth and privilege. He is a natural “type” for comedy. You can imagine
Philip stepping effortlessly into the setup of a truly vile telling of
the Aristocrats: the Duke of Edinburgh and his family go to see a talent
agent ...
He is such a bizarre choice because he’s actually the deadweight holding back what increasingly appears to be a monarchist revival.
Wherever he goes, his “gaffes” breeze ahead of him like a bad smell. He
couldn’t be further from the young dream couple William and Kate, who
have seized the world’s imagination with their sensitive, virtuous
public profiles.
If Abbott absolutely had to knight a royal, couldn’t he have chosen Prince William
instead of drawing attention to the least popular member of the
monarchy? If this is about re-establishing the monarchy’s place in our
regime of honours and titles, why not choose a royal recipient who will
play well with the punters? And who is Angus Houston again?
Already there’s chatter about how dopey the appointment is, how it
will play poorly with an electorate who are discovering anew how strange
their prime minister is. If there is a single person in the country for
whom this decision would swing their vote, I’d like to meet them. Is
there anyone demanding the Queen’s rarefied consort be given yet another
In the grand scheme of things, that doesn’t matter to Abbott. A former director of Australians for a Constitutional Monarchy,
he has always considered royalty to be an integral part of Australian
life outside and above partisan politics and, indeed, democracy itself.
It’s “a reminder of the transcendent in the life of the world”, he wrote
in 2006. An ideal “always beyond the reach of actual human beings but
towards which all should strive”.
Or as Philip put it in a comment to Alfredo Stroessner,
the Paraguayan dictator who turned his country into a sanctuary for
escaped Nazis: “It’s a pleasure to be in a country that isn’t ruled by
its people.”
Now that’s a joke! Try the veal, I’m a Knight of the Order of Australia all week!
The Aristocrats is a gag comedians tell each other in private. It’s a
“secret handshake”, a dirty joke that keeps the profession together.
Abbott’s version is the same: a joke for the benefit of the few true
monarchists left in the country, overwhelmingly men of Philip’s ilk. The
rest of us aren’t meant to get it, because it’s told at our expense.
On Australia Day, when many Indigenous Australians are mourning, when
we’re asking ourselves questions about what kind of democracy we
actually have, when the republicans among us are navel-gazing about the
flag, and when Abbott’s own supporters are tucking into their beer and
snags, the prime minister goes and knights a member of the royal family.
That’s what John Howard used to call a “barbecue stopper”, a clanger so
bad it could ruin the fun for everyone.
Except, that is, for the person who made the joke and his intended audience. Except for … the Aristocrats!